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Shorestation Sectional Aluminum DockLV DOCK 2Porta-Dock Roll-In Aluminum DockIMG_2818
Shorestation Sectional Cedar DockPOO5Porta-Dock Sectional Aluminum Dockwave-armor-add-ons
Shorestation Floating DockLAKEVIEW ROLL INPD FLOATINGwavearmor-8


Advantages of Stationary Dock

Stationary dock is the most versatile style and perfect for almost any type of lakefront. The foot pads on each of the legs simply rest on the lake bottom. This allows the dock to work in difficult situations such as steep drop offs and rocky, uneven bottoms. Stationary dock is installed and removed one section at a time. 


Advantages of Roll-in Dock


Roll-in dock offers the ultimate in easy installation for lakes with smooth, gradually sloping shorelines. It has wheels on each of the legs which allow it to be assembled on shore and then rolled in and out of the lake as a unit. 


Advantages of Floating Dock

Floating dock is the perfect solution for areas where water levels fluctuate on a regular basis. Floating dock can easily be assembled without getting into the water.